Thursday, November 14, 2013

Autumn Nature Study

The Hippie spent some time online yesterday looking up various fall crafts. She came away with several really cute ideas for making little pine cone fairies and acorn people, so she asked this morning if we could go on a walk to the park to collect pine cones and acorns. I'm trying to say "yes" more (with regards to things like this ... not to cookies for breakfast or anything, {smile}), so I obliged.

As we were about to head out the door, I decided to print some paper for us to do a "Thankful Walk" ... I thought we could really look for and notice the things in God's creation that we were thankful for and then draw them on our papers. I grabbed three clip boards, three pieces of paper, three sharpened pencils and some colored pencils and we headed out the door with our supplies, some water and a bag for collecting acorns and pine cones.

We didn't make it out of our yard before the Princess found a pretty yellow dandelion and wanted to draw it for her "Thankful" page. After a minute of getting out our pencils, I said, "Do you want me to just get your Nature Journals?" ... I ended up heading back inside to get three nature journals and The Handbook of Nature Study and our Florida Field Guide.

Back to the spot I went, and all three of us proceeded to draw the dandelion ~ funny how we all three drew different points of view and noticed different details. We labeled our drawings with the date and location of our "discovery". The Hippie also traced and colored in a fall leaf that she found. I read aloud from The Handbook of Nature Study about the dandelion and then we packed our stuff back into the bag. We continued on our walk to the park, collecting all sorts of natural goodies and enjoying the weather. The girls played on the park and we walked back home for lunch.

That was it.

But, it sure was nice!



Until next time,
~ Irie Momma

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