Tuesday, April 12, 2011

What's on the menu?

Do you plan your meals for the week to plan your shopping trip?  I can't say that I always do, but I can say that life is much easier when I do.  In the past I've planned 6 or 7 meals and made a list to choose from each night, but recently I've been a little more detailed in my planning.  Why?  Well, we are away from home at dinner preparation time on Wednesdays and Fridays, so I need to have a plan.  It also helps to have a plan when you include raw food in your diet because some things require advanced preparation like soaking nuts or seeds or marinating vegetables.  So, what's on the menu in our home this week (a few of these have already been made and eaten, but I thought I'd share anyway in case it inspires ideas in your family)?  

"The Hippie's Favorite Pasta" (vegan portabella stroganoff spaghetti) & steamed green beans

Jamaican Night (Momma's Rice-n-Peas with Coconut Rice, Fresh spinach with coconut milk, crusty bread and Red Stripe for the grown ups) 

Raw Tacos & Dos Equis for the grown ups (my favorite Raw dinner!!)

Raw Zucchini "Pasta" with Raw Marinara and Raw Not-Meatballs (made from Walnuts), salad & bread

Homemade Cabbage Soup (the Princess and I will make this during school so it's ready when we get home from Handwork)

Leftover Soup

I don't plan much past here.  Fridays are late ~ we go to our homeschool co-op in a town that is 45 minutes away, and we usually play at some friends' house afterward.  Generally, we aren't getting back to town until late, and to be totally honest, the past couple of Fridays we've met Daddy at our favorite Mexican restaurant.  :=)  Then, I'll plan again ....

What are you eating this week?

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